Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

–Margaret Mead

Your work changes the world. We’re here to support you.

Testing Change is a community for healthcare professionals working to improve the healthcare system and increase their patients’ quality of care. 

Whether you’re a physician, nurse, admin, executive, or director, you’ll find education, tools, resources, and connection opportunities in the Testing Change community, including:

  • Education on the science of quality improvement, safety analytics, and innovation
  • Case examples of successful projects that can inspire your own work
  • Connection to others working on quality improvement in healthcare
  • A community of people with a similar vision to help you in your work

The Mission to Improve, Lead, and Innovate in Healthcare

Maureen Bisognano, CEO of IHI says that everyone in healthcare has two jobs: the job you were hired to do and the job of improving the systems and processes around you.

To do the second job, you must understand the science and art of improvement work. 

Testing Change is here to give you the knowledge and tools to do this second job; to help you improve healthcare by improving the systems in which you practice. 

Have questions, comments, or ideas to share? Connect with us.

Find education, tools, and resources for healthcare quality improvement on the blog.